1 min to read
Quote 3 - Section C
Eutropius highlights the greatness of the men in the late Republic and the beginning of the empire - especially that of Pompey and Caesar. In the quote “Numquam adhūc Rōmanae cōpiae in ūnum neque maiōrēs neque meliōribus ducibus convēnerant, tōtum terrārum orbem facile subāctūrae, sī contrā barbarōs dūcerentur.”, Eutropius refers to Pompey and Caesar as the greatest leaders leading the largest armies, easily able to conquer the whole world. This praise of Pompey and Caesar reinforces the idea of Rome’s past great leaders to the reader and the description of the strength of their armies reinforces the idea of Rome’s past greatness. The quote could also have the purpose of encouraging Valens to continue to expand the Roman Empire beyond its heights in the Republic, giving Valens the idea that he could cement his legacy by achieving something even Caesar and Pompey couldn’t do.