Cicero Chapter 59 Summative Assignment Rhetorical Devices

Aetas Unus

Cicero uses the rhetorical device of hyperbole in the line “notat et dēsignat oculīs ad caedem ūnum quemque nostrum.” Cataline obviously does not desire to kill all the senators but Cicero increases the impact of his speech to every senator by saying that Cataline wishes to kill each and every one of them - the opinion against Cataline would undoubtably be turning as Cicero points out to every senator that they could be killed by Cataline.

Cataline uses enjambment in the line “Magna dīs immortālibus habenda est atque huic ipsī Iovī Statōrī, antīquissimō custōdī huius urbis, grātia” to emphasize how lucky they were to avoid the terrible disaster that could have come about from Cataline.

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