Cicero Chapter 59 Summative Assignment Personal Pronouns

Aetas Unus

Cicero uses the pronoun “ego” in the quote “Hōs ego videō cōnsul et dē rē pūblicāsententiam rogō et, quōs ferrō trucidārī oportēbat, eōs nōndum vōce vulnerō!” (59B). He makes a subtle dig at Cataline because Cicero has the position that Cataline so desires and also emphasizes his own importance to the republic.

Cicero uses the pronoun “te” in the quote “Nam sī tē interficī iusserō, residēbit in rē pūblicā reliqua coniūrātōrum manus;” because he is now directly addressing Cataline. Cicero further shows his disdain for Cataline by literally saying to Cataline’s face how he wishes he could order Cataline to be killed.