Quote 4 - Section D

Eutropius warns Valens to not get to arrogant in the quote “Cum ergō et honōrēs ex suā voluntāte praestāret, quī ā populō anteā dēferēbantur, nec senātuī ad sē venientī adsurgeret aliaque rēgia ac paene tyrannica faceret, coniūrātum est in eum ā sexāgintā vel amplius senātōribus equitibusque Rōmānīs.” Although Valens is the all-powerful emperor in the Roman Empire, even Caesar, as great as he was and the dictator for life, was killed for acting arrogantly. Although Caesar’s situation was obviously different from Valens’ with the senate and his many powerful political enemies, Eutropius’ point still stands - by acting arrogantly - Caesar provoked a conspiracy to be made against him, which would also be possible against Valens.